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Bennett filed a patent for what he called a “combined jock strap and suspensory” and said it was meant for bicycle-riders - “though it is useful for all purposes in which it is customary to wear a jockstrap.” From the illustration of the invention, however, his “jock strap” appeared to be little more than three strips of elastic material sewn together. No, in 2017 - nearly 40 years after the first man was crowned International Mister Leather - the jockstrap is a legitimate sex symbol.įirst, though, a little history: In March 1897, a Chicago man named Charles F. This incarnation of the jockstrap was, without question, decidedly unsexy, with Little Leaguers and youth football players generally leaving them in their equipment bag for far too long - like pretty much every other piece of gear - and allowing them to get so crusty that a protective cup no longer seemed necessary.Īnd yet, somehow, someway - and with great effort from the Leathermen - the jockstrap is no longer a symbol of disgusting teen hygiene. In fact, during World War I, the Army issued a jock to every serviceman to help prevent the “excessive fatigue” that might arise without one. There was a time, of course, when the only associations people had with jockstraps were gym class and team sports, where they were usually a requirement.

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